Custom Software
Bring complex custom products, apps and business systems to life using our breadth of experience and best-practice techniques
- Web and Mobile Apps
- Cloud Systems
- DevOps
- Enterprise Systems
- Business Analysis
- Quality Assurance
We offer holistic development of enterprise software platforms. We’re able to draw on our expertise across all disciplines and more than 1 500 software engineering professionals to build the best possible products, systems and apps.
Explore our recent projects in Custom Software.
At any point in time we are running upwards of 150 active software engineering engagements, and we’re proud of our delivery record spanning over a thousand custom solutions delivered to an ever increasing blue-chip client base.
The interface really matters, as products and services reach through more channels than ever, our teams are adept at implementing end-to-end mobile and web solutions along with the UX required for all devices and channels, from kiosk to smartphone and from notebook to cinema.
Driven by subscription business models and next-generation cloud technology readiness, we are building and migrating systems into the cloud for our clients. Our mix of advisory and implementation services spans assessments and roadmap creation to SaaS transformation and full cloud management, optimisation and security.
Our large team of specialised software solution architects, engineers and analysts focus on designing modern software to enable and improve business processes through technology in pragmatic and creative ways.
We share our own experience in parallel development and operations from running large software projects with our clients who are looking to improve IT delivery. We’re invested in making teams faster and instilling a quality culture. We’re constantly experimenting, applying and evaluating the rapidly improving tools and processes behind continuous integration and deployment, proactive support, automated testing, quality metrics and more.
Our analysts are able to effectively communicate and interpret business needs and align these with the long-term vision of the business. Requirements elicitation and documentation services include the delivery of business, functional and technical documentation as well as product test planning, execution and quality assurance services. Our analysts have the ability to seamlessly connect the business and technical worlds.
Entelect teams automate testing and work to integrate it tightly into the development process happening every day. Whether operating test-driven development, writing comprehensive test cases, creating coded regressions tests or automating technical debt analysis, we’re devoted to software quality practices.
Custom Software
Digital products
Customer self-service
Loyalty programmes
Business systems
Multi-system intergration
Quoting and onboarding
Service mobility
Tracking and workflow